Strategy of the Seven Mountains (Ebook)


The rule of Kingdom reforming 7 mountains. No matter which mountain you’re being called into, as long as the seed is sown into the land of vision, then we will reap the fullness given by God.

Traditional chinese version (printed book)  : 七山攻略:神國法則闖七山

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Robert Henderson is a global apostle leader. He receives revelations and his mission is writing and preaching, calling on Christians to awaken and discover the hidden truth in the Bible. Especially in the aspects of the apostolic, Kingdom of God, Courts of Heaven, Seven Mountains strategies and five-folds ministry these areas. His teaching brings anointed application and breakthroughs.

Chapter 1 Overview

Chapter 2 The Religion Mountain

Chapter 3 The Family Mountain

Chapter 4 The Education Mountain

Chapter 5 The Business Mountain

Chapter 6 The Government Mountain

Chapter 7  The Arts & Entertainment Mountain

Chapter 8 The Media Mountain

Chapter 9 Increasing Your Spiritual Authority


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