About Key to Eternity (K2E)
Who We Are
“Key to Eternity” is a brand from the kingdom of God. We receive gifts, anointing and grace from God, to design, create and produce a series of products. Our purpose is to encourage and help families of Christ to get closer to the Father when using these products.
The name of the brand is specially selected to remind us that the purpose of creation is eternity. Eternal life is actually the purpose of our earthly Life. The meaning of the Covenant is the new Covenant between God and us. If there is no Covenant between Jesus and us, there will be no salvation, nor eternal life.
Furthermore, because “covenant” and “key” has the same meaning in Chinese, it reminds us that the “Key to Eternity” must pass from Jesus Christ, He, who has the key of David and the key of the Kingdom of Heaven. These two keys can open closed doors, get anointing, worship praise, prayer and spiritual warfare…
John 17: 3
Knowing you – the one true God, and knowing that you are Jesus Christ, that is eternal life.
The Lord said:
(Isaiah 22:22) I will put David’s keys on his shoulders. He opened, no one can shut; he shut, no one can open.
(Matthew 16:19) I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and all that are bound to you in the earth will be bound in heaven, and all that is released in the earth will be released in heaven.
God has given us the key to victory, and the enemy will surely escape:
(Ephesians 6:10) And I have the last words: ye shall rely on the Lord, and rely upon his mighty strength as a strong man.
(Ephesians 6:11) To wear the full military uniform of God, you can resist the devil’s tricks.
(James 4: 7) Therefore, ye shall obey God. To resist the devil, the devil will leave you to escape.
Blessed be the name of Jesus Christ that you get the keys from God to open all the mysteries!

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