The Mighty Sound: How God is Preparing People Today with His Sound Through the Shofar


When I reflect on how God’s people have used the ram’s horn shofar, I am reminded that it is truly “God Tough.” 

It doesn’t look like a smart bomb or a weapon of mass destruction, yet it was used to route a two hundred thousand man army in a day. No Wall Street hedge fund manager would ever refer to the shofar as a “financial instrument,” yet its sound has changed the fortunes of nations. I know of no surgical operating room that includes the shofar as a piece of its valuable equipment, though the shofar sound can raise the dead. There are many preachers who would rather people hear their voice than the sound of the shofar, even though the Lord himself is described as having a voice “like a loud trumpet” (Revelation 1:10). No Marine band ever announces an important leader or dignitary with the shofar blast yet, it always blows before the Ancient of Days arrives. The shofar is strange and it works!

剩餘量: 159 件庫存

貨號: 35854166 分類: ,
Table of Contents:
Section 1: Awake!
Chapter 1: Waking Up
Chapter 2: The Awakening Sound
Section 2: Alert!
Chapter 3: Paying Attention to the Sound
Chapter 4: The Holy Sound
Chapter 5: The Fruitful Sound
Chapter 6: The Mighty Sound
Chapter 7: The Overcoming Sound
Chapter 8: The Transforming Sound
Section 3: Announce!
Chapter 9: When God Announces
Chapter 10: Announcement 1: Today When You Hear My Voice
Chapter 11: Announcement 2: A Rest Remains and the Sound of Jubilee
Chapter 12: Announcement 3: The African Shofar
Chapter 13: Announcement 4: The Four Winds
重量 430 g



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